Hello, I'm Mauricio Siu. I'm a software engineer based in Honduras!

Mauricio Siu

Software Engineer ( Backend / Frontend / Developer )


Sofware engineer with solid experience working with a variety of programming languages, I am also familiar with different development frameworks and tools. I am a quick learner and always strive to keep up with the latest technologies and industry trends. In addition, I have a strong sense of teamwork and communication skills that allow me to collaborate effectively with other developers, designers and stakeholders.


  • 1999Born in Cortes, Honduras.
  • 2018 - 2022Bachelor's degree in Computer Science.
  • 2020 - 2022Freelancer as a Software Developer.
  • 2022 - 2023Software Engineer at CodeExitos.
  • 2021 - PresentMiddle Software Engineer At Jinza
  • 2023 - PresentSoftware Engineer At Trades.org

I ❤️

I love to learn new things, I am passionate about technology and I always try to learn something new every day, I love to solve problems and I am always looking for new challenges.


  • ReactJS
  • NextJS
  • Graphql
  • React Native
  • NodeJS
  • NestJS
  • TypeScript
  • C# / .NET Core
  • Git
  • Git
  • SQL
  • Windows/Linux
  • C++


  • Spanish
  • English
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